The Bible in Modern Society...

Good afternoon all... I just wanted to touch on a subject that I often question myself. As I have been reading through the bible these last couple of weeks, I keep questioning how does this fit in modern life. We often think of the bible in terms of the past as it happened over thousands of years ago. Many social and cultural norms no longer exists which are seen through out the bible. The social norms of the time range from ownership of women to sacred rituals like stoning. Many scenes in the bible are very violent and harsh, but our god is very compassionate. Sometimes to understand gods purpose we must struggle and suffer. Jesus suffered greatly and we rejected by many, but he sought through the suffering in pain to become our savior. 

If you compare modern society to before, you can majorly see the difference between the two. For instance, women were property in the past. A girl was property of her father until she was sold to be married off usually when she was only a teenager. If she became widowed, her brother or father would then take ownership of her. As you can see a women had no rights in those days especially in terms of divorce. You can still see this phenomenon in the Middle East today.

"Likewise wives, be submissive to your husbands, so that some, though they do not obey the word, may be won without a word of by the behavior of their wives" 1 Peter 3:1 

But I do not believe God intend for women to be treated as property. God wants all to be treated equally but sometimes people give in to Satan's tricks.  

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God made men and women to be both unique in there own way. Men take on the role as the provider, hunter, and protector while women take the role as care taker and nurture. God did not give these roles as a sentence as he intended them to make us unique in our way. Even though we are both different, we still can interchange roles. I believe fathers should play the role of caretaker and nurture throughout a child's life and the same for women taking on the role as provider, hunter, and protector. 

How does this role play a role in modern society? In today's society, both the mother and father usually work full time. Sometimes the wife is able to be a stay at home depending on the financial situation. I believe for the first five years children should be with a parent or relative rather than in a childcare center. God intended men and women to partners from the beginning.

 1 Peter 3:7 "Likewise you husbands  live considerably with your wives, bestowing honor on the women as the weaker sex" 

After reading that your probably thinking but why are women considered the weaker sex. Well you must consider that in those times women were property. Most often women did die during childbirth due to complications as in those times they did not have the technology that we have today. So in that sense, women were considered the weaker sex not because of our intelligence or strength but because of our health. Women have played a very important role in society as they bear and care for the future generations. Women mold the minds of future generations. 

There are so many other subjects within the bible that play a different role in society. You must not forget that Jesus died for our sins. Since the day of Resurrection  god promises to us to be compassionate god and show love for all. 


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